Jogging Best Exercises for Weight Loss

10 Jogging Exercises || Stretching || Push ups || Back Jog || Walking || Jogging || Running || Yoga || Conclusion

Jogging Best Exercises for Weight Loss
Jogging Best Exercises for Weight Loss

If you want to know jogging best exercises for weight loss, then this platform is going to update you with unique jogging exercises.

Obesity or over-weighting is a common disease in the current day. But there are lots of jogging best exercise for weight loss. Over-weight and obesity are the root causes of many lethal diseases, like diabetes, high blood pressure, and joint pain, etc.

There are lots of effective jogging exercise which help in burning fat from the body. These exercises are very simple. Furthermore, there is no need to use any equipment to perform these exercises. In short, these jogging exercises are good for maintaining the health of the human body.

Jogging is itself a very good exercise which is liked by many people. Because this exercise is very simple and takes less time as compared to another physical workout. Moreover, you can perform this physical exercise at any open place, like a playground, jogging track, or other such places. It means you do not need to visit a gym. Jogging puts enough pressure on body muscles which further burns fat from the body.

In addition to jogging exercise, pushups, chin-ups, back running, stretching of body parts, and leaning upper body front side and backside are other some good jogging exercises.

Jogging Best Exercises for Weight Loss
Jogging Best Exercises for Weight Loss

Best 10 Jogging Exercises for Weight Loss


Arms and Legs Stretching are very effective jogging exercises. Stretching of body parts is the prerequisite of jogging. Moreover, before walking and running one should also stretch his body to prepare for the jogging ahead.

Although, stretching of the body is not a proper physical exercise or activity. But these stretching activities help your body in burning calories. So, these stretching activities also help your body to burn fat as well as help in weight loss.

Push ups

The pushup is also one of the best jogging exercises. Many people do this jogging exercise to warm up their bodies. Similarly, lots of people also consider it the exercise of the shoulder or arm muscles. But in reality, pushups put pressure on the entire body. In this way, pushups are also one of the jogging exercises which help in weight loss.

But push-ups are considered as the least source of weight loss. Because although push-up puts enough pressure on the body. But this pressure is just on your arms and upper part of the body. It does not affect the major part of your body which helps in calories burn.

Back Walk or Back Jog

A back walk is an unusual jogging exercise. It is contrary to the general jogging. According to the physical health expert, back walk or back jog is as good for the health as a forward jog or general jogging. And the majority of the health experts suggest back jog to their patients.

Back walk or back jog is also a good source of weight loss. Many people spend half of their jogging time in the back walk or back jog. Because they just love this jogging style. On the other hand, this physical activity consumes considerable calories from your body.


Walking is moving at a speed of almost 8 miles per hour. And walking as well as jogging is also good for your health. And the majority of people love to walk early in the morning. Furthermore, walking also brings positive change to the body and strengthens body muscles’. Furthermore, jogging is also a useful physical activity for keeping your body healthy and strong. Additionally, jogging also plays a vital role in calorie burning and weight loss. In short, walking is a very good physical activity for weight loss.

Walking is also good for different parts of the body. As jogging removes impurities from the body, strengthens body muscles. Likewise, walking is also good for the lungs, eyes, and skin.


Jogging is a very interesting aerobatic exercise that helps your body in different ways. In addition, jogging refers to moving at a speed of almost 5 miles per hour. Many people go jogging to lose weight fast. Because jogging is one of the best physical activities to lose weight. Similarly, lots of people have set jogging for weight loss schedule for routine jogging.

Likewise, many people go jogging for weight loss and toning. Besides, many people ask such questions as is jogging enough for weight loss? To answering this question it is recommended that many people adopt an 8-week jogging plan for weight loss as well as a 6-week jogging plan for weight loss. Whichever plan you adopt for yourself. But you should follow the beginner’s guide to start jogging or running.


Running is a very amazing physical activity which is loved by many of us. And running refers to moving at the speed of almost 3 miles per hour. Moreover, running is an intense kind of physical activity concerning the movement on the surface of the earth. Also, running puts enough pressure on the muscles of your body which is necessary for weight loss.

Running has also lots of benefits for the entire body. As we know running benefits for legs, running benefits for heart, and running benefits for the heart. By and large, running is good for almost all parts of the body.

Additionally, many people consider running as the best exercise to lose weight. And make a running for weight loss plan.


Yoga consists of lots of mental, physical, and spiritual exercises or practices which are usually postures. Although these postures are performed at some small and places. But the results of these exercises of postures are high inefficiency.

These yoga exercises are also good for weight loss. Because these exercises or postures put enough pressure on your body muscles which further results in the consumption of calories.

Bottom Line

There are lots of jogging best exercises which can be adopted by anyone according to his ease. But the above-mentioned jogging best exercises for weight loss are very amazing. Moreover, every aerobatic exercise has its own advantages and to some extent disadvantages. These good results of these physical activities, like jogging, running, and walking depends on the time period of these physical activities and intensity of such exercise. In short, these physical activities are good for losing weight and for burning calories in considerable numbers. Similarly, these physical exercises are also exciting and people just love these physical activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much should I jog a day to lose weight?

There are almost 3,500 calories in a pound of fat. Similarly, running 1 mile burns approximately 100 calories. So, if you need to drop 1 pound of fat â€“ then, you should run almost 35 miles.

Is jogging good for weight loss?

Yes, jogging is a very good aerobatic activity for weight loss. It burns lots of calories from your body which further helps in weight loss. Jogging even helps you to burn calories even after the end of jogging. It also targets dangerous belly fats inside the abdomen.

Can I lose belly fat by jogging?

Jogging and running both help you to lose belly fat. So, these physical activities not only help you to reduce belly fat. They also shed fat from many other areas. Hence, walking and running are considered two of the best fat-burning physical activities or exercise.

Can you lose weight jogging 30 minutes a day?

The answer to the question is affirmative. You can burn almost 200 to 450 calories with the help of 30-minute jogging. And that is a fantastic step forwards toward your weight loss target.

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